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Why Does the World Fear Trump's Return to the White House?

13 يونيو، 2024

In recent months, I have participated in numerous political, media, and security conferences and forums across the globe. A prevailing trend that emerged from these gatherings is the pronounced focus on the American elections, specifically the likelihood of Donald Trump's victory. It seems as though Trump's influence looms large over these conferences, shaping the tone of discussions and raising concerns. 

Interestingly, as a form of amusement, attendees often engage in mock voting to predict the outcome of the American elections, and invariably, Trump is the anticipated winner in every instance. This lighthearted activity, despite its recreational nature, carries significant implications. Notably, the anticipation of Trump's victory is accompanied by a palpable tension among the participating politicians, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Every day, Trump is making significant strides in his bid for the November elections, vying for the highest office in the world's largest economy. Consequently, the potential impact of a Trump victory looms large in conversations about the future of the world, transforming this possibility into an imminent reality that everyone must address. Widespread concerns about his potential return to power stem from the fear of heightened hostility toward other global political players.

European Concerns

During the Davos Conference in January, European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova raised concerns that a potential return of Trump to the White House could embolden Putin to seize more territories, posing a direct threat to the security of EU countries. She emphasized that the European Union is actively preparing for any possible scenario. Echoing these concerns, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde stressed the urgent need for a political strategy and urged Europe to fortify its unity as a single economic and political bloc. She cautioned that global alliances could undergo a shift if Trump were to return. Notably, this isn't the first instance of European leaders expressing apprehensions about Trump's potential return. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had previously expressed reservations about Trump's candidacy, citing the EU's failure to take Trump's 2016 election seriously. During his presidency, Trump had contentious relations with the EU over various issues, including trade, NATO, and environmental policies.

Global Preparations

Preparations for a world with Trump are not confined to the European Union but also extend to China, which bore the brunt of his policies marked by economic sanctions and tariffs. Observers attribute the potential for Trump's resurgence not solely to the waning popularity of the Democratic Party or the absence of formidable challengers within the Republican Party. An important factor to consider is the increasing embrace of Trump's approach by the American public opinion.

The issue of Donald Trump’s potential re-election as President of the United States, succeeding Biden, has been a recurring topic of discussion among my friends when we talk about the global political landscape. The prospect of Trump’s return, given its unprecedented nature in American electoral history, has become a frequent subject of speculation among us. Some envision a world with Trump back in the White House and wager on his potential comeback, while others hope for a better future without him. 

However, those who are skeptical about Trump’s return may need to reconsider their stance, especially in light of two significant conflicts: the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the conflict in Gaza. Let's examine this situation to understand why there is apprehension about Trump’s potential return to the White House.

America First... Again!

As the 2024 US presidential election draws near, global politicians are increasingly concerned about the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House. In his previous presidency, Trump made a significant impact on the global political landscape with his unorthodox and contentious stance on a multitude of issues. His tenure was defined by a unilateral foreign policy approach, resulting in upheaval in relations with both allies and adversaries.

Trump's confrontational foreign policy heightened geopolitical tensions, particularly through his adversarial approach toward China and Iran. His abrupt changes in foreign policy amplified geopolitical uncertainty, directly impacting regional and global security dynamics. For instance, Trump's Iran policies exacerbated tensions in the Middle East. The withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement and the imposition of new sanctions on Tehran escalated military and economic pressures in the region. Despite some negotiation progress, his tough stance on North Korea failed to achieve complete denuclearization, perpetuating a state of ongoing friction in the region.

In Asia, mounting trade and military tensions with China heightened the risk of conflict in the Pacific region. Trump's administration's efforts to strengthen military ties with Taiwan and fortify the US military presence in the area alarmed Beijing, amplifying the prospect of conflict. Furthermore, the United States' withdrawal from key international accords, including the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iranian nuclear agreement, sparked widespread controversy and deepened global rifts. Additionally, Trump's imposition of tariffs on imports from nations such as China, Canada, and the European Union ignited trade disputes that had adverse effects on the global economy.

Trump's preference for bilateral relations over multilateral alliances raised doubts about the United States' commitment to its traditional alliances, like the NATO. The unpredictable nature of his positions on sensitive international issues made it challenging for other countries to anticipate US foreign policies. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, global confidence in American leadership significantly decreased during Trump's tenure, with only 17% of participants expressing confidence in his leadership in 2019. This decline underscores the extent of anxiety the international community experienced due to the president's unpredictable approach.

Economic Impact

During Trump's previous presidency, significant economic challenges were felt globally. Reports from the IMF suggested that his administration's policies had the potential to impede global economic growth. Trade tensions with major partners, particularly China, had a detrimental impact on investments and commodity prices, leading to heightened market uncertainties. Furthermore, businesses dependent on intricate cross-border supply chains were compelled to reassess their strategies due to elevated tariffs and the emergence of new trade barriers. Consequently, operational costs surged, and global markets experienced disruptions. These policies were emblematic of Trump's "America First" approach, aimed at shielding American industry from foreign competition, albeit sometimes resulting in adverse effects.

Domestic Division and Global Implications

Trump's presidency exacerbated social and political divisions within the United States. His use of divisive language heightened existing societal rifts and fueled racial and political tensions. The nation experienced widespread protests and social turmoil, including the Black Lives Matter movement and demonstrations against stringent immigration policies. There are concerns that a re-election of Trump could reignite similar unrest, potentially impacting the global landscape significantly.

The internal polarization within the United States has far-reaching implications on the global stage. When the world's largest democracy is internally divided, it has the potential to trigger global instability. Moreover, internal conflicts impede the United States' capacity to actively address international matters, thereby creating a void that other influential powers may seek to exploit for their own gain.

 Environmental Policy Reversal

During his presidency, the Trump administration made significant changes to environmental regulations and international climate agreements, raising concerns about the impact on climate change efforts. By prioritizing the interests of the fossil fuel industry, the administration drew criticism from the international community for its approach to environmental sustainability.

One of the most contentious decisions was the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, reflecting the administration's stance on reducing federal regulation of environmental industries and relaxing restrictions on traditional energy companies. This move sparked global fears about the potential setback to carbon emissions reduction and environmental sustainability goals.

Furthermore, the Trump administration's environmental policies had adverse effects on the protection of public lands and clean water. The rollbacks of laws aimed at safeguarding natural resources drew condemnation from environmental groups and activists, who viewed these actions as a threat to biodiversity and public health.

The Silent Trump Vote

During the 2016 elections, conventional polling methods proved inadequate in capturing the true extent of Trump’s support, giving rise to the "silent Trump vote" phenomenon. A significant number of his supporters opted to keep their voting intentions undisclosed, shedding light on the intricate complexities and uncertainties involved in predicting election outcomes. This phenomenon reflects the challenges of accurately assessing voter behavior within the multifaceted American electoral landscape.

The Rise of Celebrity Politics

Trumps initial victory marked a shift toward celebrity politics, demonstrating how charismatic, non-traditional figures can surpass conventional politicians in the digital age. His media approach, particularly his use of social media, played a significant role in his success, enabling him to build a strong grassroots base and communicate directly with voters. This method could inspire other unconventional figures, such as celebrities and businesspeople, to enter the political arena using a similar strategy.

As the 2024 elections approach, the world watches with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Trumps potential return to the White House represents not just a shift in American leadership but a significant impact on global stability, economic dynamics, and geopolitical relations. Whether he will heed experts' advice to moderate his approach remains to be seen. The future of the world hangs in the balance as we await the outcome of the forthcoming elections.

Trump's initial triumph signified a notable shift towards celebrity politics, showcasing the ability of charismatic, non-traditional personalities to surpass conventional politicians in the digital era. His adept utilization of social media as part of his media strategy played a pivotal role in his victory, empowering him to cultivate a robust grassroots following and establish direct connections with voters. This approach holds the promise of motivating other unconventional figures, such as celebrities and business leaders, to venture into the political sphere by adopting a similar playbook.

As the 2024 elections approach, the world watches with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The possibility of Trump's return to the White House not only signals a shift in American leadership but also carries significant implications for global stability, economic dynamics, and geopolitical relations. The uncertainty of whether he will heed expert advice and adopt a more moderate approach adds to the prevailing suspense. The outcome of the upcoming elections holds the key to the future of the world, underscoring the weight of this pivotal moment.