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"Audience First"

FARAS successfully launches a new Website

10 أكتوبر، 2019

Future for Advanced Research and Studies (FARAS), in Abu Dhabi, has successfully launched an updated version of its website in Arabic and English. FARAS new website provides an online academic platform producing daily analysis and assessments for audience interested in the ongoing socio-political affairs occurring in the Middle East.

FARAS new website now offers distinctive academic content by applying a multidisciplinary approach to address political, economic, social and technological phenomena, given their complexities. The website produces further daily analytical pieces, and policy briefs, tackling current events and shifting trends that affect global politics.

The launch of the website marks FARAS’ sixth anniversary. FARARS has been able to establish its distinctive academic presence in the Middle East. Throughout those years, it has been able to examine the emerging trends in the region, anticipating probable outcomes and possible consequences, giving a thorough insight about political and socio-economic dynamics.  

The website also covers FARAS events such as the monthly workshops and lectures. In the files section, FARAS provides a cumulative research portal on various issues of interest to our audience.

The audience will be granted access to multimedia services entailing infographics and videos, covering political, economic, social or cyber domains. The website therefore will inform its readers about FARAS news, the publication of its diverse product and continuous analysis of significant events occurring in the MENA region.