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  • مصطفى ربيع يكتب: (إخفاقات متكررة: هل تنجح استطلاعات الرأي في التنبؤ بالفائز بالرئاسة الأمريكية 2024؟)
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Expo Communities: New Spaces for Creative Pluralism

14 نوفمبر، 2021

The word "Expo" indicates the concept of exposition, derived in the English language from the Latin word “exppositio”, which means to show, explain or present. These linguistic meanings do not differ from the common meaning of the word, which denotes presenting or making things and ideas available. There is no doubt that the use of the word “expo”, derived from exposition, has a deeper and a more comprehensive use than the word “exhibition”, which reflects a location displaying products for viewing or purchase.


The Significance of Expo

Perhaps the idea on which Expos are based began officially under the supervision and sponsorship of the Bureau International des Expositions in 1851 at the International Exhibition, which was then held in London, and continued all the way to Expo 2020 Dubai, which is currently being held from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Countries pay great attention to these events and spend a lot of money on them, which is not in vain as this comes with great benefit for the host countries. They clearly reveal the power of the host country as well as its global influence, as they work to market the developmental experience of this country. Marketing has now become a comprehensive and vast concept to the extent that it is used in what is known as the nation marketing. Above all, this international event indicates excellence and global competitiveness.


By observing the topics of interest to this type of exhibitions, one would find that they cover various areas in industry, agriculture, technological innovations, arts, culture, sports, communications, scientific research, space technology, the environment, and others. However, notably, the themes of Expos have evolved over time from focusing on the material aspects of agriculture, industry and technology to moral and cultural aspects, such as topics covering the environment, sustainability, arts and peace and future challenges in the environmental, technological and cultural arenas, as well as sustainability challenges in cities and lifestyles.


Connecting Minds

From this perspective regarding the evolution of the themes of the International Expos, this year's Expo came to bear a significant slogan, which is "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future". There is a social and moral wisdom behind the event which we can discern through an in-depth analysis of the slogan of Expo 2020 Dubai, which may be portrayed as follows:


1.    There is a deep realization that the world is witnessing divergence and alienation of minds, where social bonds diminish, and are replaced by individualistic bonds, and where moral ideals disintegrate and are replaced by materialistic values. Awareness of this alienation leads to the call for the harmony and interdependence of minds without each losing their identity and intellectual characteristics. This creates solidarity between minds, if they all strive towards noble and virtuous values.


2.   When minds conflict, they do not recognize each other, which develops hostility. On the other hand, when minds connect, mutual recognition occurs, which leads to cooperation, solidarity and tolerance. Furthermore, connecting minds helps establish new values for cooperation in the world of technology, making it available to everyone and using it for peaceful purposes.


As the society seeks to achieve this connection between minds, it presents a new and different model for intellectual and social pluralism. Connected minds are supposed to be enlightened, as they realize that the forces of globalization surrounding them create a vast distance between them both in time and space. Thus, a clear realization is established of the necessity to enter into a creative interaction in light of the principle of “creative pluralism”. The community of “creative pluralism” is one of creative and permanent giving, and refraining from only taking or gathering benefits. It is a community of national elites whose enlightened mindset pushes them to become global elites, who do not only give at the national level, but also give at the global level.


Expo Communities

This approach leads us to think that the exploitation of major exhibitions under these slogans of cultural and intellectual dimensions may prompt the emergence of new types of communities that can be called “Expo Communities” or communities of open spaces and communication. If access to this kind of communities is difficult today, affirming the relevant concepts and values creates a framework paving the way for a new utopia which may lead to a better future. Therefore, enumerating some of the characteristics of these communities may be useful.


There are two aspects to the new life that “Expo Utopia” or the “Utopia of Open Spaces and Communication” aspires to, which can be observed as follows:


1.    The world of economics and technology:

Here the hope is for a technology that facilitates human life without enslaving people or usurping them of their spiritual dimensions. This would be a technology that establishes a sustainable economy and a sustainable environment in a framework of justice and equality, without man becoming exploitative or monopolizing. This would also be an economy that gives to all and leaves no one behind. Here, everyone would have a stable life, and all would coexist in one framework of solidarity and peace, and within an economy that does not destroy the environment, but rather preserves it for future generations.


2- A world of culture and values:

The cultural and moral aspects complement the features of the future community, where social life is based on solidarity, pluralism, and communication, paving the way for an overflow of values of justice, respect, equality and altruism, cherishing spiritual values that give humans energy for work, achievement and endurance of life’s hardships. Life here is based on a conscious harmony that utilizes available ideas as well as moral and spiritual values to attain human happiness, peace and security. No ideology or belief would be allowed to enslave one or enclose one’s life in dark invincible caves of backwardness. The community here would be a capacity of light, where everyone walks carrying torches of hope for all.


In conclusion, there is a definite need for open minds in order to approach this utopia, if we hope for a new world where minds coexist and communicate away from human selfishness and struggles that have led to severe losses throughout history.