أخبار المركز
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New Publication

First Issue of "Future Studies" examines "Fifth-Generation Warfare"

12 نوفمبر، 2017

Future for Advanced Research and Studies (FARAS) published the first issue of “Future Studies” in November 2017. In this issue, Dr. Shady Abdel Whab Mansour, Editor-in-Chief of Trending Events, examined the “Fifth-Generation Warfare: Major Transformations in Non-Traditional Violent Confrontations Globally.”

Future Studies will be published on a monthly basis, with each study addressing a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that dominates regional and global academic debates. The series will focus on key security, political, economic, social and technological trends.

The first issue discusses the evolution of modern generations of warfare, distinguishing between their main characteristics, objectives, nature of adversaries and shifts in military confrontations. Mansour further discusses the main features of the fifth-generation warfare, and the reasons behind the changing nature of war.

In addition, the study examines the non-traditional violent confrontations including media wars, information, cyber, economic, environmental, drug wars, and weapons of mass destruction.

Finally, the study assesses the means of confronting unconventional warfare such as: awareness campaigns, monitoring and evaluation programmes, and dismantling hostile alliances.

Dr. Shady Abdel Whab Mansour, Editor-in-Chief of “Trending Events” academic periodical, and head of the Security Studies Unit at FARAS. Mansour holds a PHD in political Science from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Egypt. He published several studies on asymmetric warfare, terrorism, extremism, border security and conflict management. Previously, he worked in the Egyptian Cabinet’s Information and Decision Support Center.