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The Potential Rise of Cyborg Civilization from Fantasies to Reality

07 يونيو، 2024

Darwin's notion of biological evolution described the progression of human beings. This theory sparked widespread controversy among scientists and ordinary people because it contradicts what is stated in all holy books. But can humans truly evolve, not in the Darwinian biological sense, but in the manner of machines and artificial intelligence? What limits can humans surpass, and are they truly capable of colonizing space?

The topic of human evolution is no longer science fiction. The emergence of the cyborg human—beings that are part human and part machine—is closer than ever. Could the boundaries of this cyborg's existence extend into space? Could we one day realize that the aliens depicted in science fiction films are, in fact, evolved cyborg humans? If some humans were to leave Earth in the future to establish a civilization in space, as visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos propose, and then return to Earth, would we, as regular humans, perceive them as aliens at that time?

Everything is Subjugated to Man

God granted everything to man, both in heaven and on earth, endowing humans with intelligence and powers that have allowed him to change the course of human history. Humans have not only transformed the Earth but have also populated space with thousands of satellites, even setting foot on the moon. The human aspiration has evolved into a desire to establish colonies on other planets and utilize the vastness of space that God has subjugated.

The challenge lies in the fact that human physical energy is limited, and they are always in a race against time. Traveling to the nearest planet, Mars, takes nine months at the current speed of spacecraft. So, what about traveling into deep space? The nearest black hole is approximately 1,560 light-years away (with a light-second equating to 300,000 kilometers).

According to current logical calculations, regardless of how powerful humans become, they will be unable to withstand the lack of gravity, pressure differences, and the absence of oxygen and water. Yet, by the same logic, it was once considered impossible for humans to communicate from east to west while seeing and hearing each other, harness the wind to travel the Earth in a few hours, protect themselves from diseases by injecting viruses, or extract infinite energy from an atom invisible to the naked eye. Perhaps, one day, humans may be able to travel into a black hole; even if they do not reach there, they have come a long way in gaining control of space.

Science fiction films, whether scientifically accurate or not, have addressed the theme of aliens building societies larger than human civilization and attempting to dominate Earth. These storylines often depict humans fighting against or surrendering to aliens, with directors creatively envisioning aliens as monstrous beings that consume humans or as creatures resembling humans, living among them.

An Evolved Cyborg

In the realm of what might one day become a reality, humans could enhance and expand their physical abilities to live in space with advanced bodies. Cyborg-building efforts are serious and progressing rapidly, with the aim of maximizing human capabilities by implanting smart chips in their brains and bodies and developing their organs with intelligent systems until they become cyborgs.

By integrating artificial intelligence techniques into their bodies, humans could transform into machine-like beings with steel limbs. Organs at the end of their lifespan could be replaced with those composed of living fibers and silicone via 3D printing. Additionally, a new type of skin could be developed that remains unaffected by environmental conditions. Consequently, humans would eventually evolve into cyborgs, enhancing their strength and skills.

In the near future, these cyborg enhancements could grant the human body unprecedented capabilities. Sensory probes can detect the touch of light, while ultrasound can detect the sounds of typically silent animals like fish, giraffes, and bats. Cameras implanted in the eyes or connected to the vision centers in the brain can help the blind see, and the deaf and mute might communicate through thought alone, using telepathy technology. Such advancements could also enable humans to withstand pressure and gravity differences in outer space.

Colonizing Space

All of these superpowers and more may be realized to varying degrees and in times that are relatively distant from our present time. However, serious attempts are ongoing in this context, suggesting that the world is on the brink of an unprecedented new civilization where the human body merges with artificial intelligence to create a new cyborg being. This cyborg might forge a new civilization that extends from Earth to invade and colonize space. Just as we travel from one country to another by plane, this cyborg could potentially travel from one galaxy to another through energy transfer.

Three scientists who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022—Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger—demonstrated the phenomenon of "Quantum Entanglement," which reveals a hidden connection between atomic particles faster than light. This means that if two quantum-entangled electrons are separated, with one on Earth and the other in space, influencing the electron on Earth to spin upward will cause the electron in space to spin in the opposite direction. The exact mechanism and connection between these electrons remain unclear, but future discoveries may unveil new principles and practical applications for instantaneous travel from one location to another. Just as the first apple fell to the ground millions of years before Isaac Newton discovered the principles of gravity, future advancements may reveal new ways of traversing vast distances instantaneously.

Will cyborg humans find a foothold in space? Empowered by advanced technology, will they colonize and develop space, gradually distancing themselves from Earth's lagging civilization and its physically underdeveloped humans? Will the cyborg civilization continue to evolve, expand, and explore deep space until our understanding of these beings mirrors our current perceptions of extraterrestrials?

Eventually, these cyborgs might decide to return to their earthly home, only to find weak humans still inhabiting it. Shocked by the cyborgs' superior civilization, humans would witness the fulfillment of science fiction prophecies. The irony would be that these "aliens" are, in fact, evolved humans who left Earth centuries ago and returned seeking paradise amid the Amazon rivers and African forests. They might subjugate and even eliminate weaker humans, akin to how new settlers treated Native Americans in North America.

Will these advancements culminate in cyborgs dominating weak humans? Will they reign supreme over Earth and space, or will this scenario remain confined to the realm of science fiction and novels?